Friday 25 March 2011

Pretty in Pink

Spring has sprung and that means many things to many people - but to me it is a sign a vitality and time to get going again after a rather dull winter. And so i am clearing out anything that makes me feel dowdy, sluggish or sleepy. Now i am not saying that i have woken up this morning and decided to take on the world in the style of some annoying, inanely grinning TV presenter - heaven forbid!! What i am saying though is that i realise i am guilty of allowing myself to wallow, for want of a better word, when times are a bit hard or life doesn't go m way - and i am not saying a bit of wallowing is not ok - i am quite happy to reach for the Dairy Milk, the Bridget Jones DVD and indeed the Chardonnay when the world throws me a curve ball . . . . . . but the secret is knowing when enough is enough (easier said than done).

So the theme of the spring for me is . . . .PINK! This colour screams get up and go, it jumps up and says 'oi you, get over yourself!' (which is what i am attempting to do, but of course in a more refined English style - whooping and hollering are never acceptable!)

And i have found myself £30 worth of pink gorgeous beauty products at a cost of only £10 - yes i know can it get any better you ask . . . . knock knock . . . who's there? . . . George Clooney . . . . ok yes it could but in the real world (i know i hate that we have to live there too) this is as good as it gets(for today anyway).
And it s again my little Avon saviours that have provided this gorgeousness and saved my purse once more. My Pink Pazazz Pack ( i named it that - awesome . . . sorry jolly nice, Americanisms creeping in again!) contains the following:

Nourishing Face Cream (200ml)
Planet Spa Illuminating Body Lotion (50ml)
Footworks Heel Softening Cream (75ml)
Pink Bubble Bath (500ml)
Advance Techniques Colour Protect Hair Mask (150ml)
Skin so Soft body oil spray (125ml)
Strawberry and Guava room and linen spray (125ml)
Sense Mystique Shower Gel (250ml)
(If anyone wants one of these for £10 - please just let me know)

Now if i do not look and feel fabulous after that then there is something seriously wrong . . .something i warrant that only Bridget and George could fix!

x Fliss x

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Stressed out Sista to Pampered Princess

Well Hello there - she says grabbing onto the fact that we are now officially halfway through the week! I have just realised that it is also Lent, the thought struck me just as i emerged form a pancake induced coma sometime in the early hours of the morning. I know that i ought to give something up - and i have decided just what that will be - negative energy. Yes i hereby refuse to waste my time and efforts on feeling crap (easier said than done i do realise!)
At the weekend i opened my 'Pamper Pack' - fear not bargainistas my bank balance did not shudder in the wake of this purchase - a mere £5 was removed in my quest for relaxation. So the contents of my pamper pack are as follows:

Sleep Therapy Pillow Mist
Reflections Shower Gel
Lavender and Camomile Hand Cream
Lavender Foot Refreshing Spray
(All Avon - that saviour of the purse strings!)

The shower Gel produced an aromatherapy effect immediately washing away the top level of stress i was carrying. Once out of the shower i used the foot spray which i really appreciated. I find i neglect my feet, yet they work harder than any other part of my body most days. The hand cream was really luxurious and the fragrance was relaxing rather than ovepowering and artificial.
Just before turning out the light i spritzed the pillow with the pillow mist and breathed a deep sigh of relief as i waved reality goodbye and got on the good ship dream land.

While i know that Lent will not see the total dissolve of my stress and anxiety i do know that with a bit of belief, a good dollop of will power and an enormous amount of pampering - i will be easier to live with!!!

Anyone interested in trying the pamper pack let me know - well worth it, the only thing you have to lose is the weight off your shoulders :)

x Fliss x

Friday 4 March 2011

Glamour, Gifts and Gorgeousness

Good evening or should i say great evening as it is Friday and thank Crunchie for that! Alongside chocolate there are few things i would rush outside and beat people out of the way with a wet kipper for - but when i discovered my latest find the beauty bargain-o-meter went of the ricter! (i now want to make a Beauty Bargain-o-meter Blue Peter stylee with anything pink, sparkly and of course sticky back plastic) - but back to the point!

Glamour Magazine is 10 years old and like a good wine it has improved with age bringing us the latest fashion, beauty products, celeb interview and general wonderment at the Glitterati. And they have rewarded us the reader with Free Gifts - HURRAH for free gifts! And not the the type where you have to collect so many issue or text numbers here there and well everywhere - nope good old fashioned, in a plastic bag, with the magazine, use asap - Free Gifts.
And these are top of the range Clinique gifts which make the indulgence almost too much to cope with (pass me that chocolate now - it is on the side next to the wet kipper!)
With each issue over the forthcoming months there will be a free Clinique gift. My first has been the 'dramatically different moisturising lotion' and i have to say the title does not lie. It is a luxurious thick moisturiser best used at night, but it does not feel heavy or sticky on the skin. It leaves skin nourished and feeling more sprightly the next day.

So my advice would be to go and get Glamour magazine, try out your Clinique free gift and when you are feeling suitably gorgeous relax and read the magazine . . . . . with chocolate . . . . and wine . . .and Brad Pitt . . . . and you're back in the room!

Have a Glamourous Friday
x Fliss x