Monday 4 April 2011

Running Soup-erbly!

Yes it is Monday, Yes it has been raining and No i am not deterred! Following on from my last post regarding my new approach to my own health and well being i can report that although only small steps have been taken the results have been positive.

Firstly i looked at my fitness levels and an olympian adonis did not spring to mind . . . .(thankfully actually - those women have far too many muscles!) And so i pondered joining a gym . . .  way too expensive, and i know what you are thinking 'your health is priceless' and indeed i agree but i am not in the business of chucking money away - as you well know my bargainistas! So i need exercise that raises my heart rate, something to lift my mood and something cheap - AB-RA-CA-FLIPPIN-DABRA . . . .Running. Now i say running, what actually occurred once my trainers had been wrestled from the cobwebs was more akin to a stagger, jog, walk, hobble, jog, collapse . . .but you know what i don't care because i had a go and that was worth it's weight in gold. I got up and i completed what i set out to achieve. As i staggered through the streets some looked on in pity, others looked away and a few looked on with hope in their heart and it felt good :) - i know the hard part id yet to come, keeping it up - but rather than promise myself i will run a marathon in a week - i pick up the moderation baton and commit only to run/jog/stagger for 20 mins 3 times per week - watch this space.

So after i spent £0 on my new fitness regime i decided it was time for some soul food. I have heard the likes of Nigella Lawson rave about the comfort and solace that can be found in a bowl of soup and have wondered often if indeed she is perhaps barking, but hey what the hell if you can't beat em join em! I point out at this stage that i am no Nigella or Ainsley or indeed Delia but my have a go attitude spurred me on. And so all i needed apparently was a chicken stock cube and whatever vegetables i liked - carrots, potatoes, leeks, mushrooms etc and a few herbs and spices. So add water shove into a pan, boil, liquidise some add back to pan . . . .the result . . . . Amen to you Mrs. Lawson you do indeed know your onions! I don't know if it was the fact that i had prepared and created this delicious soup or the fact that it only cost me £0.47p for the ingredients but wither way we were onto a winner. What is more i made enough for 3 servings and so put 2 portions into freezer bags for lunch mid-week - BONUS.

And in the evening . . . . . .A DVD, lasagna and a glass of wine - Moderation my friends really is the way forward!!! ;)

x Fliss x

Friday 1 April 2011


Hello beautiful Spring chicks. The sun has had his hat on for at least 2 out of the last 7 day - which in good old England means spring is here and people will be wearing all sorts of ridiculous attire before you can say sombrero  - but i love it!!!
As spring marches on it has made me think about my health . . . you know what i  mean, it's that time when yo hark back to your hangover on January 1st and all the things you would definitely do and realise you can't remember them let alone have completed them! And so i look at me and think, ok not too bad - can make it up a flight of stars without collapsing (dependent on vodka consumption if a Saturday night) - eat a variety of food ( and by variety i do not mean all 6 different types of Magnum ice cream bar over the course of a week) and have a positive outlook (mindless optimism does count in this section - it has got me thus far and i am sticking to it!)
But as with all things i could do better. I look though for inspiration and instruction in a quest for a fitter, fabber me and i find i am absolutely blinded with science. From Anti-oxidants, to Pro-Argen formulas and not to mention the calculation of a BMI - i am inclined to think it is all a load of old Boswelox (and yes that was another creation from the science/ beauty world)!!!

BUT - Fear not as i did not give up at this rather intimidating hurdle, i took a step back and like any good General going into battle thought let's think laterally. There are trillions of 'celeb' diets out there, but do any of them really work???? There are claims that eating certain things will make you a size 6 in a week, claims that you will look 10 years younger, be 10 times more attractive  . . . . . . but i came to the conclusion that actually if you strip away all the razzle dazzle it is good old fashion MODERATION that makes for the happy bunny.

No amount of crack-pot inventions or crazy diets will see Kate Moss staring back at me when i look in the mirror (or if she is she has taken a seriously wrong turn at the end of the cat walk!)
Nope the things that will 'improve' my health and well being are as follows:

Moderate exercise a few times each week
Fresh food with the occasional treat
Good hygiene and feel good make up
Time for family and friends
More water less vodka
A belief that we are each beautiful

And so i end my could do better though, not i am afraid with any money saving tips but rather the outlook that even if i don't know my hi carb from my low carb even from my sodding rhubarb, i do know some good old fashioned moderation and responsibility for my own wellbeing will see me right.

x Fliss x